Myths About Treating Your Cataracts

Cataract surgery is a standard procedure that removes the clouded lens from an eye and replaces it with an artificial one. This surgery is typically safe, effective, and highly successful. However, many myths surrounding cataract surgery and its recovery process can cause undue worry or concern for patients considering this procedure.

Myth: You Will Be Awake During The Entire Procedure

Many people fear being awake during medical procedures, especially when it comes to their eyes. The truth is that you do not have to be fully conscious during cataract surgery. Patients are given a combination of local anesthesia and sedation. Different levels of sedation are available depending on the patient's comfort level. These options range from mild sedation to deep sedation, where you may not remember much about the experience afterward.

Myth: Recovery Is Painful And Lengthy

Many people mistakenly believe that recovering from cataract surgery is painful and long-lasting because some older surgical techniques require longer healing timeframes than what modern methods entail. In reality, most patients experience only mild discomfort after their surgeries. Your eyes may be mildly irritated, or it might feel like there is something in your eye. Most patients only need a day or two after the surgery before they can return to their normal activities. However, following your surgeon's post-operative care instructions for optimal healing is essential.

However, pain can vary depending on the individual, and some may require additional pain-relief measures. Your surgeon may recommend over-the-counter pain medications to help manage any discomfort you might experience during your recovery process.

Myth: You Will Not Be Able To See Right After Surgery

An intraocular lens is used to replace the clouded lens in the patient's eye. This new lens allows light to pass through clearly and focus on the retina at the back of the eye.

While it is true that some patients may experience temporary blurry or distorted vision immediately following cataract surgery, this issue usually resolves within a few hours to days as your eyes adjust to their new lenses. However, it could take several weeks for some individuals' eyesight to fully stabilize.

Myth: Cataracts Can Grow Back After Surgery

Cataracts are formed when proteins in the eye's natural lens clump together and cause clouding that impairs vision over time due primarily to aging and other factors like injury or certain diseases. While it is true that cataracts themselves cannot grow back once removed, some patients may experience posterior capsule opacification. This condition occurs when the thin tissue that holds the replacement lens in place becomes cloudy, causing a decrease in vision similar to a primary cataract. However, a simple laser procedure can quickly correct this problem for patients.

Contact your doctor for more information about cataract surgery
